Introducing Project Simple Timesheets!
Project Simple Team is proud to introduce a new addition to the Project Simple Platform - Timesheets!
You may be wondering why Timesheets…
Seems odd, especially considering that Project Simple is based on the principles of Agile. You would be correct to say that the relationship between Agile and tracking time spent on something is an odd one. However, Timesheets are an important part of the software project toolset for some businesses - for example, software consulting companies.
Since early Project Simple customers came from nearshore, offshore, and onshore consulting organizations that build software solutions for their clients, we quickly noted how much these customers rely on Timesheets to collect, track, and bill clients for the work. Turned out that time tracking, billing, and invoicing is a big pain due to the heavy, manual, and often confusing process.
Until now, our customers solved it in one of two ways. Some purchased 3rd party solutions and configured it for their employees to track time in those tools. Other customers, who were already using Jira, opted to install a paid Tempo Timesheets plugin. Both solutions - the 3rd party Time Tracking tools and Tempo Timesheets inside Jira doubled project management spending in licensing costs alone!
In addition, the clunky process of using multiple tools or Jira plugins always feels especially awkward due to the “foreign body” feel of the Tempo Timesheets plugin within Jira. And according to our customers, always contributed to the lack of efficiency. Definitely a common problem that needs a thorough solution.
Therefore, when we implemented Jira Import and Jira bi-directional sync, it made sense for us to implement Timesheets within Project Simple for a smooth and simple out of the box experience. No additional tools, costs, installs and plugins, configuration, or frustration. Timesheets designed to be easy to work with by all members of the Team.
If your organization is looking to simplify and improve the development process and save money and lots of frustration using outdated tools to track time, or if you're looking to improve your Budget and Financial tracking of software development with improved time tracking for CapEx / OpEx work, we're here for you!
Want to learn more? Request a demo!